Sunday, March 05, 2006


This is my first entry to Studio Friday. I’ve lurked for almost 6 months, but this week’s theme, “Inspiration” finally inspired me to create something that fitted the theme.

I draw inspiration from…well…opening my eyes. Just being aware, I can be inspired by anything. Nature, advertisements, reading books and magazines, browsing the web and reading blogs, shapes, textures…you get the picture. I don’t have to search for inspiration, it’s always there. Unfortunately, much of the time, I’m blind to it. Those times when I’m feeling uninspired, unmotivated, in a slump or in a rut. It’s not because of a lack of inspiration, it’s because of a lack of seeing it as such.

The feminine spirit is extremely inspiring. The way we handle challenges, the way we pour our hearts into everything we do, the way our eyes see the beauty in life, the way we nurture and care.

Faith, too, goes hand in hand with inspiration. Faith goes much deeper than religion. It’s having faith in humanity and the truth. Faith is kindness, graciousness, love and the belief in goodness. If you have faith, you will be inspired not just creatively, but inspired to…um…to quote Oprah “Live your best life”. LOL!

But what inspires me most are the people who surround me. My friends and family (including my dh even tho he’s not pictured here to keep to the theme). They help me see things creatively and I’m uninhibited. And they willingly join me along the journey.


madretz said...

Forgot to mention that I created this collage digitally in Photoshop Elements. Also used brushes from Miss M. Font is Zaph Chancery.

Maggie Lamarre said...

My faith and religion is entertwined.
Luv the collage

Contessa Kris said...

Beautiful sentiment. Love the lines about the feminine spirit. Great job in Photoshop. I was just trying to figure out how to do that paint brushing last night! Haven't gotten it yet.
Good job!

Ginnie Hart said...

I'm absolutely enthralled with/by your blog and am gonna add it to my sidebar links. Just reading this post on Inspiration and the next one on Faith, I can tell we're probably Soulmates. And I love your photos. Everything. I just found you at Tuesday Photos, my second time to ever enter "a challenge." So truly I feel inspired. You've made my day!