Thursday, December 03, 2009

GleefullyLine dancing obsessed

You may have clued in on one of my personality traits - that I can be a wee bit obsessive. If I find something I enjoy or like, I'll become so focused on it that it consumes my every waking moment.

My current obsession is line dancing. And the TV show Glee. And posting Youtube videos.

I found this song through various website jumping and realized I could dance the "Cruisin'" dance to it quite nicely.

And if you haven't seen Glee, here are a few other videos with some fun snippets.



Anonymous said...

You are so right... It goes perfectly. :)

Ginnie Hart said...

Guess what: your last 2 videos have this message for me (now here in the Netherlands): "We're sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed within the United States...." I bet you didn't know that, did you!